Friday, June 29, 2012


Woke up to thunderous rain on the metal barn roof.  It passed, then another cloud burst.  Couldn't tell what time it was.  Luke needs complete silence and darkness to get to sleep.   We both sleep on big sofas on the living room, staying up as long as we can stay awake, reading, watching TV, sewing, playing with doggies and kitties, etc.  We are so "on vacation."   Last night I said Luke let's go night-night.  He turned off the head light he was using to read his book and proceeded to turn everything off, I mean everything.  I was proud to see he is so "green" about using energy.  Trouble is, I like to go to sleep with the news on, or Jay Leno, or the Weather Channel, etc.  Silence gets my mind racing and no Sandman.  So I wait for Luke to go to sleep, then sneakily put the TV back on, very low.  I woke up to see the little man standing up and marching over to the TV to turn it OFF!  He's so adorable.  On deck for today...finish a Bundaflicka tote that a nice graduate student has been waiting for, work on Hannah's bag, tidy up the house, tend to critters and take a dip in the POND.  Monkey is still asking me where her baby is, poor thing.  With five dancing goat kids in the maternity ward, and one running around the field, I'm happy with what I've got.  

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