Friday, June 15, 2012

Boys Will Be Boys

  School was okay again today.  The weather was so beautiful I decided to take the class up the big hill behind the school to the pond.  The aides, all five of them, were up for it, making the hike a happy time for all.  The boys reminded me of the Stand By Me movie, since all of them are about that age.  They loved the pond, and stripped their shirts and shoes off, hoping to get permission to swim.  We decided against it, since none of us wanted to go in and rescue anyone, having no spare clothes, etc.  I promised them they could swim at my pond on the farm when I bring them out here on Monday for a picnic.  My frogs and fish have been undisturbed for entirely too long.  Maybe we can wake up a turtle or two in the mud on the bottom.   Hope there are no snappers....

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