Tuesday, June 19, 2012


There is something so special about baby angora goats.  They are just so soft and cuddly - born with a good amount of hair, unlike lambs who really don't have any coat at all when first born.  Once you catch them, goat kids love to be held and sink right in to your arms.  My students found a little buck kid in the field yesterday and named him Rocky Balboa.  After I got home from taking the human kids home I managed to get mom and baby into the kindergarten in the barn.  I found another baby doe kid when I arrived home today, making a total of four does and one buck born this spring.  I named today's baby Hannah, after my granddaughter who is 14 today.   It's delightful having babies in hot weather with no chance of them freezing. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the Kitty and the Kid picture -do I see an entry for next years Maryland contest??
    Kim and the crew


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