Tuesday, May 01, 2012


Twenty degrees warmer this morning, dark and wet.   Rain forecast east of here but might skip us.  Too bad as we are still way down on the wet stuff.  Up late second night in a row mixing and pouring Shepherd's Friend Hand Creme.  Thought this batch of little 2 ounce jars would have to go without lavender oil but, miraculously, the package was waiting on the steps when I got home.  People ask for unscented, but, selfishly, I won't have any for them this year.  I don't like my creme without a little lavender oil.  It's just not right!  Besides, the scent is so subtle in this year's oil, largely due to the prohibitive cost of ingredients, the unscented people might not mind.  I have 200 odd jars, and that will have to do.  My neck and shoulders are so stiff I was afraid my Lyme Disease of '96 came back.  Don't think so as my mind is semi-clear, which is the best I can do, and with the Lyme I was horribly confused.   There are times when confusion is a good thing, like when I'm trying to figure out how I'll get everything done for Maryland Sheep and Wool.  One day at a time, one foot in front of the other, and so it goes.

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