Sunday, May 13, 2012

Manna from Heaven

My free range chickens are annoying to say the least, like when I am feeding the barn cats.  I turn around and the poor kitties have been roughed off the bowl of kibble by a hoard of wild hens and roosters.  I rush over and grab two or three to throw into the chicken room where they will hopefully leave their gifts in nest boxes.  The others see me doing this dastardly deed and take off for the high regions of the barn to hide.  I do tend to forgive them when I find little bundles of joy here and there, like these eggs left in the hay feeder.  I can count on finding enough eggs to feed us,  our dogs and cats, and occasionally a breakfast for my students (if they behave).  Mia made us omelettes for dinner last night, and scrambled eggs with LOTS of dill for Mother's Day breakfast.  I've never tasted anything so delicious.

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