Sunday, May 13, 2012

First Market Day

We made it to the market fashionably late, but right on time.  It was hugs all around from old market friends and introductions to new neighbors.  The weather could not be more perfect, with sunny skies, moderate temps and gentle breezes.  Traffic was unusually slow, with people most likely at home in their gardens, and who could blame them, but I had some visitors who made the day worthwhile.  Mia's surprise appearance in my booth was the high point of my day.  She came up from New Jersey to spend Mother's Day weekend with me.  We walked through the market exploring new vendors, and chatting with this one and that.  Matt watched the booth while we sat under a tree and had lunch.  He draws the ladies like flies, so I never mind leaving the booth.  Chris, my Roller Derby Queen neighbor, had all her beautiful yarns displayed in the glorious sunshine.  I borrowed her ball winder to empty my bobbin as I was getting some spinning done with my new-this-spring Bluefaced Leicester.  The day went by in a flash and it was time to pack up.  We stopped at Tractor Supply for the weekly stock-up on critter supplies and headed home.  Mia made omelettes with aged Gouda, bell peppers and dill.  We ended the beautiful day with a ritual sofa burning on the hill.  I opened the bottle of Harvey's Bristol Creme Mia gave me last Christmas.  She and I toasted the survival of another winter in the wilds of Northern Appalachia in upstate New York, and the new market season.   When the coals burned down we ventured back inside and fell asleep on the sofas, dreaming happy spring time dreams.

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