Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Fiber People

I thoroughly enjoyed rubbing elbows with some heavy hitters in the fiber art world, especially my idol, Linda Cortright of Wild Fibers Magazine.  It's not every day that I have Linda all to myself for a few minutes of sharing fiber art stories.  If you think her magazine is amazing you should speak to her in person.  She radiates love and passion for the history and geography of natural fibers.  I wish I could go to the Himalayas with her fiber tour next summer.   Pictured from left to right are:  Andrea, wholesale yarn rep for eight major companies, Richard Ashford - President of the New Zealand Ashford spinning wheels, Linda Cortright - Editor and Publisher of Wild Fibers Magazine, and Kim Parkinson, owner and CEO of Cornerstone Fibres, based in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. 

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