Saturday, April 21, 2012

Looking for Grass

Oh, the joy of it.  Home on the farm all day with my critters and my crafts.  I've often wondered if I would appreciate it so much if I did not have to leave it every day.  Yes, I would appreciate it.  On deck for today - make more soap.  I scored some lye at Lowe's yesterday.  Can't always find it and I have to order online.  I'm pushing hard to have enough soap ready for Maryland Sheep and Wool in two weeks.  A little misery and anxiety is necessary to keep one firmly planted on this earth and keep everything in perspective.  On deck for this morning....barn chores, get a couple of orders together for mailing this morning, pick up hay in Brookfield, get chicken feed from the Louis Gale Feed Mill,  make soap, sew totes,  put together Mother Fiber Needle Felting Kits, pick out pictures to send to web guy for a long overdue site overhaul.  We are looking at three days of rain, thank you Lord.  We should have snow melt water gushing up from the underground springs now and there is nothing.  My tadpole pond next to the apple orchard and under the ridge is a big mud slick.  It should be six inches deep and teeming with fishy-frog like creatures.  Drought is a scary thing and it is looming large over us.  The winter was gloriously free from travel anxiety, but we need that snow to keep the fields green and grow that hay. 

1 comment:

  1. We're hoping the rain comes here also. Our barn water is piped in from a spring. If it dries up, we have to carry water from the house. It's not that far-but our well is only about 30 feet deep-and we'll have problems if the water table drops any.


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