Monday, April 09, 2012


Dye pots simmering in the milk room, soap pot in the sink after pouring a big batch of luscious Rosemary Goat Milk Soap into the molds.  It's a good day to stay in and do stuff as it's cold, windy and gray out there.  Sadie wants to go out and play all the time, but she's not allowed outside by herself and I would have to suit up in coat, hat, mitts and boots.  I've started taking her out in the barn with me, with the outside doors closed.  Sadie thinks the barn is a Disneyland of fun, with chickens and cats to chase and all the sheep poop a puppy could eat.  She's learned not to go too close to ole Thor, who has no patience for a happy puppy and gives her a warning growl to stay away.  After all that fun, Sadie likes to get on the sofa and take a nap.

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