Sunday, April 01, 2012

Fooling Around

Time to get going after sleeping a deliciously late morning - 8 am!   Grey, cool and cloudy.  The sheep are soooo beautiful grazing on the hill.  Thank you Lord on this Palm Sunday for some early green grass.  I have Valentine, Vicky, Robin and TJ in the kindergarten pen.  Everyone else is out to graze.  I'm thinking about letting them go, too, but am a little concerned about Robin not thriving like the others.  When she's in the pen I can give her some 18% protein grain.  Valentine needs it too as I am weaning him from the bottle.  I have a mountain of fleeces to play with today but I vowed to make soap instead.  I get in a "groove" where I focus on one thing and neglect others.  Not good a month before show time.  I have some Bundaflicka totes hanging but several are cut out waiting to be sewn.  Once I get my Teal wool run out to the mill I should be able to devote more time to soap.  You can't rush soap as it has to "cure" before wrapping.  Hand creme can wait until closer to the show date.  Matt is sick as can be, laying flat on his back since he had to leave the shearing party yesterday.  Interesting - he and another energy geek got sick at the Hilton.  They unscrewed the plate over the air conditioner and found a filthy filter.  Matt's friend filed a complaint with the management.  Can you imagine - a week's stay at the Hilton courtesy of the federal government and you come home sick?  I just gave him breakfast but he's choking and gurgling.  Time to get busy.

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