Sunday, March 04, 2012


Today I am going to do all the things that make me happy, in no particular order:

Sew beautiful tote bags that make people ooh and ahhh and tell me how amazingly talented I am.
Watch TV shows about ancient history, geography and the environment while sewing those gorgeous bags.
Spin some wool from my sheep.
Make a batch of Rosemary soap, then cut up pretty fabric to wrap it in.
Walk up the hill and admire my views and classy old barn.
Peruse the Sunday NY Times, which I will not have time to read because I'm having so much fun doing other things, but I'll check out the Styles section to see what the NY people are wearing and doing.
Groom my German Angora rabbit and imagine what color I'm going to dye her lovely fiber.
Chat with Matt about his exciting, rewarding and interesting job, and the upcoming trips he's going to take to teach weatherization and saving energy.  Baltimore and Santa Fe are coming up soon.  Jealous.
There are other things I need to do today, which I don't want to do but have to, like making a long-overdue appointment with my accountant.  I have to figure out how much money I spent on this farm versus how much I made.  Not always a positive relationship.
Get some clean clothes together for the work week.  March is a tough month for teachers.  There are no days off, and we are weary from the struggle.  Spring break will come in April, a joyous week off where we attempt to fortify ourselves for the long stretch to June.
I want to partition off an area in the barn for my goats.  The sheep are always pushing them away from the food.  My poor goats wait while the sheep, who outweigh them by a hundred pounds sometime, and eat what's left over.  I like to give the skinny goats some cracked corn which the big, fat sheep don't need.
I'd like to get a picture holding my little black lamb, Valentine, before he gets too big to hold.  He's such a feisty little guy we couldn't get a good picture yesterday.   Vicky, his aged ewe mom, is doing well with some high protein feed supplement to the second cut hay, and apples.  Sheep loooooove apples.
All this is making me tired just thinking about it.  Maybe I should go back to bed for a few minutes.  My internal alarm clock wakes me up at 5 on every day of the week.  Every minute that  I have to myself here on the farm, and not at work, is precious.  I've been out on the hillside with the dogs already, watching the sun come up over the ridge.  Lovely.


  1. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Enjoy the day. You have so many talents. Shame it's so hard to
    make a living doing just what feeds your soul.

  2. And this is your "free" day! I feel guilty just vegetating here under the covers and knitting.


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