Thursday, March 01, 2012

Still Snowing

It's mid-morning and still snowing in Brookfield.  I call this "Jan's pole" because it was installed in order for Jan to have electricity across the road at her place.  It does tend to mar the view out my window.  This heavy snow was not forecast, but was a nice surprise.  I'm trying to figure out what to do first with this gift of time...sewing?  Spinning? Soaping?  Digging out receipts for the accountant?  Should I go out in the barn and get my one remaining German Angora and give her a much-needed grooming?  All these things, and more, are being seriously considered.  I think I should clean up the kitchen first.  The wood stove is going, and one of my favorite movies is on, Nicholas Nickleby, is on the telly.  I just can't stop looking out the window at this winter wonderland that is my farm.

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