Saturday, March 17, 2012

Now That's A Pair of Monstersockens!

Guess what I'm going to treat myself to after Maryland Sheep and Wool this year???  Yep, some more "Sock Lady Spins" socks.  I've been wearing mine for several years now and you just can kill them.  No holes in the heels, even with my crusty, gnarly floor.  I love crossing my legs and flashing these babies for all the world to see.  I can't imagine knitting so intricate,  and doing it on socks is incredible.  Lynne lives alone in the mountains in a place called Tatlayoko Lake, in the western Canadian wilderness.  She has to look both ways when she opens her front door to go to her car, so she's not ambushed by the grizzly bears who regularly pass through her yard.  No wonder she gets so many socks knitted...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the nice write up on my socks. Still a labor of love.


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