Thursday, March 01, 2012


Very cloudy and misty outside.  Perhaps the warming temps on the cold snow is causing the fog.  Very spooky.  Matt plowed the driveway so I'm ready to go tomorrow.  He said the snow was very wet and heavy.  Don't know if I could have driven the Saturn over it, so I 'm grateful he got it done.   Didn't get too much done today besides washing a lot of dishes, taking care of critters and making dinner.  Oh, yes, there was the nap around noon.  So delightful to lie down in the middle of the day.  I could get used to that...There was a fight between Reba and Tanner today, probably over the sheep leg I gave them to chew on.  Might have to take it away.  I was picking up an armful of wood when I heard crash, boom, bang and lots of snarling.  They stopped when I burst in the door.  Reba has a fang hole in her chest.  She let me treat it with antibiotic goop.  It is so unlike Tanner do be that feisty.  She rarely gets off her own little sofa.  I don't know who started it, and the dogs are not telling, not even little Sadie who witnessed the tussle.  Speaking of Sadie, she has every variety of bone and toys she could want, but still steals my pin cushion off the sewing machine table whenever I turn to look at the computer screen.  I sure don't need a trip to the vet with pins in the throat.  Having Sadie is like having a 2 year old toddler in the house.  Danger at every corner.  I always breathe a sigh of relief when I come in the door from work and everybody is safe and sound. 

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