Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Libby Llop on Fly

This is my friend Libby on her Arab mare, Fly So Free.  I want to be Libby when I grow up.  Libby and I met at the Fingerlakes Fiber Festival a few years back.  She came here to buy some Bluefaced Leicester ewes and we bonded over wool, of course.  When Libby told me she did competitive endurance riding I kind of didn't believe her - it was just so fantastic and adventurous and Libby is very quiet and unassuming.  I googled her and all kinds of fabulous titles and winnings came up.  Libby is nationally ranked in the 100 mile race.  Can you imagine getting on a horse and riding a hundred miles straight?  To get her horses ready for the ride she puts them on a treadmill on her farm.  Libby has 500 acres in Western New York and is married to a vet.  I know, it's just too much but there's more.  Libby has three hunky sons who help her on the farm.  They keep her six tractors running and bring in enough hay to keep her 30 horses, hundreds of sheep and angora goats fat and happy.  I'm the one who got Libby started in angora goats and she's crazy about them.  Libby knits like a pro and is proficient on an antique sock machine.  In her spare time she rides to hounds.  I wish I lived closer to Libby.  She's promised to teach me to shear one of these days.  I better hurry up and take her up on her offer before she rides off into the sunset.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I couldn't ride 10 miles like she does -let alone a 100!!!! Libby is awesome :)
    HUGS to all
    Kim and the crew


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