Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pretty Snow

I woke up to a lovely little snow on the ground, with large flakes falling from the sky.   It won't last for long with these unseasonably warm temps. Fine with me.  I've given up on snow days this year.   I'm rather spoiled and will not be happy when a realistic NY State winter kicks in next year.  I'm hoping for some early green grass for my hungry sheep.  I made some luscious hand creme last night.  Not a big batch, but enough to cover a handful of orders I needed to get out.  Oh, do I love that lavender.  I think inhaling it gave me a few hours of uninterrupted sleep.  I'll down this coffee and get out in the barn for chores before zooming off to work.  We have several weeks to go before spring break.  At least driving this year has not been as awful as it has in years past, when I would stare out the window, incredulous that I had to go out in that stuff. 

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