Sunday, February 05, 2012

Lilly Loves her Boys, and So Do I

Lilly stuck very close to her boys, Joseph and Gabriel, after the rigors of shearing day.  My sheep truly enjoy the "Life of Riley" (old TV show, now that really dates me) but I raise them for wool and once or twice a year they have to donate their produce to the Farm cause.  Everybody gets wormed and vaccinated.  The USDA gentleman who stopped by here a couple of weeks ago told me to worm my sheep at least twice a year.  When my shearer, Big Jim Baldwin, saw how fat my sheep are (on hay only, no grain) he scolded me, again, for worming them at all.  I just can't help but worm them once a year.  I know of people who worm their sheep several times a year, once a month even, which is just plain crazy,  Parasites become resistant to the wormer and then you are spending your hard-earned money for nothing.  My sheep don't get the dreaded meningeal worm, which is so prevalent and deadly around here, and are fat and happy. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Lily!!! And a stunning shepherdess to boot!
    I see some Maryland entries coming up!
    Kim and the crew


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