Sunday, February 12, 2012

Coughing Up the Fur Ball

We drove to the Fur Ball in driving snow, just like two years ago.  The joint was jumping by the time we arrived fashionably late and we greeted by the Incredibly Competent and Vivacious Peggy Finnegan.  Peggy is on the board of the Chenango SPCA and is Madame Director of Colorscape Chenango which I have the honor of participating in every year.   We had a fabulous time dancing to Splash, Mia's wedding band, and mingling with the Beautiful Classy People of Norwich and surrounding environs.   My Maggie's Farm basket did very well at the Silent Auction to benefit the homeless critters, even outbidding an autographed book by Shorty, the Pit Bull guy.  Matt managed to shake loose some of the stress built up from saving energy by going nuclear on the dance floor.  I wanted to close the party but the snow was coming down along with temps and I wanted to get back and check on my pregnant mama.  It's cold and grey the morning after and I have animal concerns, as always, but a good time the night before helps ease the burden.  We are hooking up the old landscape trailer to the Blazer to pick up more hay this morning.  Luckily it's only four miles away as taking the rickety rig on route 8 would be asking for trouble. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures, Maggie! Your basket looks wonderful. I wish I was there to bid on it!


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