Monday, January 16, 2012

Too Quiet

The puppies are all placed in their new homes and initial reports are good.   Pictures are coming in from the kindly new owners.  Gosh, they are cute puppies and so healthy and happy.  Reba is taking the departure of her pups very well.  I can't detect any anxiety at all, and teat discomfort seems minimal at this point.  I have not even noticed her looking for them.  Who knows how many litters she's had?  Maybe she's used to her babies suddenly being gone?  There won't be any more litters.  Reba's job will be to keep me company around the farm and hold down the sofas with the rest of the dogs.   On deck for this morning- suit up again and get out for more watering.  Animals get thirstier in this cold, dry weather and not all of them eat snow like sheep.  Goats, ducks, chickens, rabbits, cats and dogs all need water.    When I threw down bales this morning the sheep attacked them like they've been starved for days.  Hardly!  The thermometer told me minus 10 F. this morning, a little warmer than yesterday's minus 18.  Sunny weather continues, but a weather system is moving in tonight making for icy conditions while driving to work tomorrow.  Have to get to the Louis Gale Feed Mill where I can get almost everything I need for everybody, except for lamb milk replacer which I will have to drive miles and miles for.  Joseph and Gabriel are almost ready to wean off bottles, but I don't have the heart to do it cold turkey.   I reduce to two watery bottles for a few days, then one bottle, and so on.  How old are they now?  Have to check back on this journal.  They were the first to be born.  I am missing the puppies, but how in the world can I be unhappy when they are being showered with so much love this morning, and many years of mornings to come?

1 comment:

  1. Sara Hartman11:54 AM

    Just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your blog every week - I check it daily! I have followed your life on the farm for some time and grew up in Ithaca with relatives in Syracuse and love the beautiful countryside of New York State. Your photos are wonderful. I know and appreciate the hard work and cold in winter barns! Glad to see the puppies are in such wonderful homes and I hope you stay warm during this cold time. The light is already returning more each day!Thanks for sharing your life on the farm!


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