Saturday, January 07, 2012

Puppy Love

The puppies have had their evening nursing and feeding, and have played "outside the box"  for a while and are going back to bed so Mommy and Daddy can get the heck outta here and go to the movies.  I want to see Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy which just came out and promises to be a good escape movie.  Much too much farm drama today, with 15 boys processed and packaged with parts already fed to dogs and coyotes.  Randy and Doug Dungey, along with the Wild Irish Boy, worked all day on cutting down my numbers and getting some meat in the freezer for the dogs and cats to enjoy over the winter.  No, I don't eat lamb or mutton.  Never had a taste for it, and don't now.  I'll offer some to Sister Grace and Sister Bernadette next door, but I suspect they still have some in the freezer from the last time we did this.   The White Boys say, that's okay - more for us.  The puppies are too little to gnaw on rib cages and leg bones, and will be going to their respective homes shortly anyway.  For now it's their pricey Science Diet Puppy Chow and mom's milk.

1 comment:

  1. Reba sure is a wonderful mommy to produce such beautiful girls!!
    HUGS you I know you had a really rough day!
    Kim and the crew


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