Friday, January 27, 2012

Button Kind of Day

Matt took me to get closet building accoutrement today.  I am one step closer to actually having a closet.  An Irish ancestor of Matt's, as the story goes, left home to marry her first beau because she "wanted to have her own closet."   I have been waiting to have a closet for about five years now.    The clothing situation has become rather desperate since I rescued a truck load of clothes from the possums that were invading my tractor shed.  I hate to let good clothes go.  You never know when times will get hard and you will need a fresh outfit or two.  I hauled quite a load up here from New Jersey (by way of Pennsylvania, but we won't go there - I hated Pennsylvania).  I may be a shepherd from the wilds of upstate NY, but I like to look nice when I go to work.  Matt built this nice apartment for me, but has not found the time to build a closet.  Everything has either been hanging from bare nails, or has been stored in piles and tubs, making it difficult to plan my outfits.  Finally, he promised tomorrow, I will have real racks and poles to hang my things on.    I can hardly wait, but will have to, until morning.  In the mean time I am amusing myself with mashing clay and cutting out Bundaflicka Buttons.  I will be doing a bit of sewing the next few weeks and need buttons for my Bundaflicka knitting totes.  Here are a few that are ready to pop in the oven.  The wind is blowing out there and the rain we've had all day is turning to snow.  Good time to fire up the oven to help the wood stove keep us warm while I play with clay.

1 comment:

  1. Buttons, buttons, I love your buttons!!!


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