Thursday, January 19, 2012


The alarm woke up Sadie who started wiggling on my neck which woke me up.  I ran out of logs last night, didn't carry enough inside, and was too tired to go out and get more.  The apartment will hold heat for a little while, but I will have to either tote in more wood and get the fire going, or break down and turn on the thermostat.  Think I will put it on 40.  The critters have blankets and sofas to snuggle on.  Yes, the sofas in my house are great big dog couches that they share with humans.  I'm hoping to get to the Salvation Army in Syracuse to check out the sofas sometime soon.  I don't dare buy new furniture with all these animals - that would turn my hair grey pretty quick.  I got the milk mixed for Joseph and Gabriel then realized I left the bottles in the barn.  When they see me they go NUTS for their milk, but now they will have to carry on a bit longer while I bring the bottles back inside to fill them up.  I am determined to get out the door in a reasonable time today so I don't have to push the envelope on icy roads.  I might even stop at Stewart's and get the skralings some cheap bread for peanut butter sandwiches.  Our school cupboard is bare with no purchase orders coming from the school - hard times for all - so anything we eat is purchased by yours truly.  My normally magnanimous nature is not nurtured by the student's naughty behavior, so we don't eat much in school besides duck eggs every morning and maybe popcorn in the afternoon.  The kids call my eggs "poo eggs" because they always seem to have a bit of poo stuck on them.  I think that's kind of cool because it drives the city slicker kids crazy.  Yes, we are in Northern Appalachia, but we still have city slickers.  They don't have any money, but still make fun of people like me saying we smell and are generally not cool.  Heh, heh, heh.  It is I who think they are not cool, but I will never tell them.  I'm going out to get some fresh sheep dung on my shoes and sling those bales.

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