Sunday, January 08, 2012

Hungry Boys

Joseph and Gabriel are still on three bottles day - soon to become twice a day.   It's just so hard to listen to them scream, and scream they do, but soon it will be weaning time.  They get a morning bottle before I leave for work, and have to wait until I get home, get settled and get the afternoon bottles mixed.  I've been giving them a night-night bottle before I turn in, but that's the one I'll eliminate first.   Milk replacer is prohibitively expensive - $33 for a small bag if I buy it in New Berlin, $20 if I buy it at Tractor Supply.  I'm on my second bag.  Thankfully TJ and Robin are doing fine on their mother's ample udder.  All four lambs are eating hay and grain and thriving just fine.  I took the sweaters off as the weather is wonderfully balmy and the lambs are growing a thick little coat of baby wool.  It's snowing now but the forecast is for another above normal week ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Look at those faces going "who us?? Scream?? no way we are good little boys" Bet they are fun to watch bounce around the pen :) Lily always has such beautiful babies!


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