Friday, December 16, 2011


Reba's puppies are opening their eyes, but I'm not sure how much they are focusing on.  I will be taking them out of the big plastic tub soon so they can look at things around them.  I have the perfect room for them to "grow up" in before they go to their new homes.  So far two, maybe three, are spoken for.  Mia and Andrew are coming over Christmas to possibly pick out a friend for Finn.  These puppies will be sturdy farm dogs and do well in any environment.  I keep thinking the dad must have been a Rottweiler, but who knows?  They are making little barks and whines - so cute.  Reba is spending less time in the box with them, making me think I might need to offer them food sometime soon.  Have to check with the vet about puppy feeding and shots.  Reba is a wonderful dog who follows me all around when I do chores.  I forget about her and turn around and there she is.  How delightful to have a dog who is such a loyal companion when I'm here alone so much. 

1 comment:

  1. The puppies are truly gorgeous! If I lived closer, I would pick up one of them. My two one-year-old border collies would love to have one more doggie bouncing around.

    Greetings from the beautiful countryside of Virginia!


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