Tuesday, December 27, 2011


A gentle rain is falling, which is forecast to turn to ice later on tonight and in the early morning.  Thankfully I can stay home.  It's so warm I don't have to wear a jacket in the barn.  I don't think this will last for long.  My friend sent me some kind of weather projection map that says we are in for a major snow event January 4.  We'll see.  I have to figure out where to put Knut and Finn inside the barn.  Once the drifts pile up I won't be able to get to their igloos on the north side of the barn.  The boys love to live in the barn, but Knut is a little high strung and has been known to bark at the sheep.  I'll figure something out, which seems to be my mantra these days - I'll figure it out.  I've been picking fleeces, which is great if you have all the time in the world to pick, pick, pick.  I have two dye pots of pumpkin orange on the stove.  My Wacky Weaver friend, Susan Dunn-Lederhaas, has requested another orange run.  Fine with me as I adore orange.  I've been scrounging around for fleeces in the hay mow grain room and found some lovely, but challenging, BFL fleeces along with some gorgeous brown alpaca and some red llama from my sainted Chris.  The BFl fleeces had felted on the sheep, which often happens when Bluefaced Leicesters are rained on.  BFL felts if you look at it.  You have to be careful washing it as it can felt while you are getting it ready for the dye pot, or rinsing it afterwards.  I gave the puppies a piece of felted wool for their box and they are all trying to lie on it.  So adorable....

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