Friday, December 09, 2011

Holiday Surprise

We thought we took the rams out early enough, but apparently Zack got his licks in first.  I went to the way back of the barn last night to throw a bale into the boy's field, and look what I found.   This lovely Bluefaced Leicester ewe had a little one by her side, and another one behind her.  One of each!  I gasped in delight.  They are unexpected but very much appreciated.  I have Christmas puppies and now I have Christmas lambs!   I got the little family into a jug and a nourishing drink of warm molasses water into Mom.  She has a good working udder and both lambs are nursing fine.  I was hoping to get some colostrum out of her for my Lilly, who is surely pregnant but has no udder.  The twins had taken all she had to give and, being in the back of the barn with no water source, I will have to wait for her to make some more.  I put sweaters on the babes as the temps dipped low and a freeze was certain.   I'm lucky it's Friday and I will be home with my lambs.  I bet there will be another birth or two this weekend.  Maggie is a shepherd on Lamb Watch. 

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