Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy, Happy

Matt and I are celebrating our 13th anniversary with dinner at Panera and a showing of Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.   We spent the day doing thoroughly dirty farm projects like moving the last of my six cords of firewood up the lane and getting it stacked and moving my Marie Antoinette hay cart out of the way of the snow plow.  You'd have to see it to understand what I'm talking about.  Matt put a temporary ball on my new/old Chevy Blazer to also move my cargo trailer full of Mother Fiber away from the garbage dumpster.  It may be rusty and dented but it's the only cargo trailer I plan on having in my career as a wool merchant.  One dirty job leads to another.  I have another pot of mohair simmering on the dye stove in the milk room.  This fiber thing is addictive.  I'm almost ready to send out a HUGE run of purple/turquoise/flaming orange mohair, which will not be next-to-the-skin yarn, but still gorgeous fiber.   I used to poo-poo my colored mohair as too coarse, but lately I think it's the best fiber I have here on the farm.  I'm looking forward to seeing Dragon Tattoo.  It seems I am the only person in my school who knows nothing about the books or movies, Swedish or English.  Everyone has read the trilogy or seen the Swedish version of the movie but me.  I think Matt will like it, too.  Next time we'll see Mission Impossible for him.  Gotta run and do a mass of chores before we can head out.


  1. Have a wonderful time together you two!!!!
    Kim and the crew

  2. Sara Hartman10:09 AM

    Merry Christmas - almost! Your blog gives me pleasure and many reminders of my growing-up in Ithaca and I love the countryside and farms in NY state. I love your photos and I marvel that you do as much as you do with working at a school, too! Enjoy some R&R and festivity over the holiday - and very best wishes for a good new year ahead on the farm! I'll be reading about it!
    Sara Hartman

  3. I wish you a merry Christmas and a very happy wedding anniversary, Maggie!


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