Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Duck Eggs for Dinner

 I had four duck eggs again today, and think I will scramble some for dinner.   The lovely warm weather continues and I don't have the problem of every drop of water in the barn freezing, along with pipes.  Rain is coming tonight along with the accompanying dreariness.  The lambs - TJ, Robin, Joseph and Gabriel are doing fine.  I wish I had time to knit four bright red sweaters for them and make a Christmas card out of it, but don't think it's going to happen.  I have some gift basket orders to get out in the next day or two, and with doing chores morning and night, and working at school, along with keeping other animals happy,  there's just no time to sit and knit before Christmas.  Christmas will be quiet this year, as it usually is, with Mia and Andrew coming Christmas Day and AJ coming in on the 28th.  I looked at the ten day weather forecast and, incredibly, I don't think we will have a white Christmas, even way up here in upstate New York.  This time last year we had four feet of snow already.  You know what?  I can deal with it.  The snow will come soon enough.  I should hike up on the ridge and look for a little pine seedling to use for a Charlie Brown Christmas tree.  I treated myself to a Christmas present - five used Hildegarde von Bingen CD's.  She was a 10th century Abbess, herbalist, mystic and composer.  Her music is magical to me.  I play it in the barn while I'm doing chores and I'm happy. 

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