Wednesday, November 09, 2011

So Proud

Tomorrow AJ, Father Aaron, Lt. Oliver, will officially be a full-fledged US Army Chaplain. We are very, very proud of AJ, and wish we could be there to celebrate with him. AJ is working very hard as a chaplain, taking care of the members of his National Guard unit in Nevada. AJ's unit has been deployed multiple times and is very much in need of his services. Members of AJ's unit were victims of the horrific IHOP shooting recently. It has been a long road of recovery and healing for them, and AJ is helping every way possible. AJ joined the National Guard shortly after September 11, 2001, and was deployed to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for a year, where he did external security around the island. It is there, I believe, that AJ was called to the church when he counseled the mostly Hispanic members of his unit. AJ came home to finish his Rutgers education, then entered the seminary. We were all together last summer when he was ordained as a priest.


  1. city slicker6:49 AM

    You are just too funny! City-slickers, coming from a woman that lived in a fancy house, a house in one of the richest towns in America filled with "old money", didn't work, out side of the house, and wore fluffy slippers out to get the mail from the mail box! Some of us have guests over in the evening. A welcoming candle in the window can't been seen when the house is 800 feet back from the road, so we put on the barn light. Ya know, one of those lights that any farmer will tell you is vital for the safety of the animals, even with dogs ..........

    Just too funny!

  2. I think you meant that comment for the other post, Jan, I mean, city slicker :-).


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