Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Forever Plaid

I've wanted a pair for about 20 years now, but never wanted to pay the price LL Bean was asking for these gorgeous jeans. Low and behold, Anne Fisher, my daughter's Mother-In-Law, sent me a gift package with not only one, but TWO brand new pair of them. They are a perfect fit, with the legs just long enough that I can turn up the cuffs to show the cute red plaid lining. Here I am with my favorite Liz Claiborne blazer and vintage red plaid wool scarf rescued from Chez Tractor Shed. The black patent leather Danskos were a particularly lucky find last fall at the Bargain Box in my hometown of Morristown, New Jersey. They are as comfy as sneakers, even more so, and perfect for playing basketball with my students. I asked Beasty Boy to take a picture of me in the jeans to show Anne Fisher and thank her for her thoughtfulness.


  1. Looking sassy!!! They fit you perfectly~
    Kim and the crew

  2. absolutely darling!!


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