Monday, November 07, 2011

New Bundaflicka Totes

I was happy to have one more chance to display my Bundaflicka totes in Hamilton last Saturday. The brilliant sunshine set them off very nicely. I didn't have too many lookers, as market attendance was down due to the cold, but one lady was so taken with a new tote that she had to go home with it. I was particularly taken with her desire to adopt this new one, as she petted it and moaned over it, then brought her husband back to look at it. She didn't have quite enough money, then asked her hubby for the rest. He said, rather impatiently, don't ask me for any money - I only have 57 cents!! I gave her the tote for the money she had with her, happy to see how much she wanted it and how thrilled she was to walk away with it.

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