Thursday, November 10, 2011

Let Them Eat Cookies

It's a good thing I discovered them on the last day of the Hamilton market. These sisters from Hubbardsville, just north of Brookfield, make the MOST delicious cookies. They call their business Appleberry Pantry and also sew vintage aprons and make fabulous hand-made applesauce. I'm really impressed with these young ladies and thought about having them make a cookie platter for work at Christmas. Or maybe not. I have no defense against really good cookies, like their Pecan Sandies. I just can't eat one... Three day weekend coming up with much to do on the farm. Dreary rain and cold is back. The glorious weather couldn't go on forever.


  1. Besides biscotti, what's your favorite kind of cookie?

  2. Almond Lace Cookies!! After that, the cookies with jam inside. Are the Christmas Elves getting those tins organized???


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