Thursday, October 27, 2011

Yes, It's Snowing

A familiar scenario unfolded today...watching the snow come down as I'm in a meeting of teachers and wondering if I'll get home without incident. My old purple mini-van happens to be great in the snow, with a wide wheel stance and front wheel drive, but you never know. I pumped my own gas in the snow (thank you, New York State) and got home without incident, running the list through my mind - hay, chicken feed, cat food, dog food and yes - people food like milk, coffee, cheese, crackers and a little something for dinner. I pulled over at the end of my lane and threw some trash from the car into the dumpster and found myself wandering into the tractor shed. It was a good impulse as I pulled some lovely mohair fleeces out from under a pile of debris that was my former life. I appreciate the fiber more and more. My mohair happens to be the best fiber I raise, I've decided. It's very strong and doesn't break in the carding mill machines like my BFL and angora. Mohair takes dyes beautifully and is terrific for weaving rugs, or plied with wool for a garment. Have to place a dye order with Dharma and get the pots boiling. The kitties won't mind that, as they stick close to the dye stove when the weather gets cold, as it will tonight. I washed my favorite pair of wool pants in the machine, as I HATE dry cleaning and needed them to shrink anyway. They came out great, even fulled a little bit, and I wore them to work today with the new socks I traded hand creme for with Red Maple Designs at Rhinebeck. Toasty warm was I and glad I had an extra angora/wool sweater in the van. I'm already thinking about sliding off the road into a ravine and having to wait hours for someone to realize Maggie didn't make it home. The most treacherous part of my drive is a 15 mile stretch in a cell phone dead zone. Oh, well, I haven't slid off in five years of commuting and don't intend to now. There's a lovely little lacy snow coming down now, not the driving big wet flakes of an hour ago. I think I'll get chores started early then come in and play with my mohair.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Much too early for snow! Here's hoping you get another few weeks of mild weather. I'm wishing for that myself here in Winnipeg, Canada ( better know as winter peg).


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