Saturday, October 29, 2011

Up Early

I love the early morning hours. Sure I could linger in bed a while but I love the quiet time when the dogs are still sleepy and the barn is quiet. I thought I would make it to Hamilton for the market but it's pretty cold out there and a snow storm is coming fast. The veggie customers will pop in for their produce but I can't imagine very many tourists coming out with this ominous forecast. I have bags cut out to finish and can be productive at home. I really need to get some wood up the lane and into the barn. Steve had to dump it down there after getting stuck in the mud while attempting to get the wood closer. I had a nice fire going last night and the apartment is still comfy and warm. I try to only use the electric baseboard in the bathroom. My electric bills are ridiculous from December through April. I'm spinning some absolutely luscious natural black mohair. I might ply it with the one last ball of purple Pacifica I found in the trailer to make it last. Should be very pretty and different. I have a wheel behind my desk at school. If the kids are particularly trying, and yesterday was one of "those days," I spin a bit to get myself readjusted. Time to get the doggies out into the cold and darkness and get this day going.

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