Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Star Power

I was blessed with a visit from Herself, Carolyn D'Agostino, Esq., attorney for the downtrodden and disenfranchised, Master Quilter, Designer, Spinner, Knitter and Chef Extraordinaire. Carolyn collects old sewing machines (we know they are the best) and refurbishes them - herself! Carolyn graciously offered me a machine in exchange for some Mother Fiber roving (Pacifica, specifically). She delivered this sturdy machine with the lovely cabinet to the NY State Sheep and Wool Festival. I am very grateful for my new/old machine as I run my little vintage Singer - made in Great Britain - like a rented mule. I need a second working heavy duty machine standing by, just in case. Until a Juki falls out of the sky, these vintage heavy duty machines will have to do. Carolyn and her daughter, Julia, pulled the machine to my building at Rhinebeck in a vintage Radio Flyer wagon. Sadly, I could not fit the wagon in the Bucket O' Bolts mini-van, and was forced to leave it behind. I hope some lucky vendor with a big truck picked it up and took it back to their farm.

1 comment:

  1. The radio flyer came home with us :) Daryl and I didn't want to leave it there and Lindsay was THRILLED with it -she wanted to know if Java could pull her in it LOL
    Kim and the crew


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