Friday, October 14, 2011

NY State Sheep and Wool

My old purple bucket o' bolts mini-van is riding low with all the goodies I'm taking to New York State Sheep and Wool today. Finger's crossed I get there okay. Thankfully it is not snowing, but rain is threatening. The Goddess of the Canadas and her faithful hubby Darryl are meeting me there to help set up. I'll stay with them in their hotel room in Saugerties. How kind of me to interrupt their honeymoon weekend away in the Catkills. I made a load of Shepherd's Friend Hand Creme last night and will get a few more jars done this morning. I also have a half finished bag on the machine. With working full time there is just not enough time to do everything I want to do to make this weekend successful, but here we are. I love rubbing elbows with people who do what I do, although there are fewer and fewer of us who raise their own fiber, spin their own fiber, and make everything we sell. That's okay, it makes me more proud of what I do and rather snobbish about it. Commercial yarn is vulgar, in my opinion, so uniform and boring, and you NEVER know where it comes from! Better get back to work. I'm saving up for a smart phone so I can post from the festival, but for now updates will have to wait until Monday.


  1. Kim is the nicest person isn't she.
    I also prefer to use wool and alpaca from my own and my friend's animals for my handspun yarns!

  2. Love my "circles" bag. Thanks for
    holding me for it. Had compliments through the day and
    gave your name/website info! Daryll was helpful, but sorry we
    missed you! (Jean was with me).


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