Thursday, October 06, 2011

Killing Frost

The farm was covered in a heavy white frost this morning. There is still a good bit of grass on the hillside and the sheep don't seem to mind that it was frozen. The apples are dropping down from the trees like chocolate bars from heaven. I'm hoping to get my class out to the farm to help shear soon. It should be a real eye-opener to them and a big help to me to have Robin and Mr. Potter there. I'm burning the midnight oil on the sewing machine with two totes partially completed and more fabric to cut out. I have a call in to Susanne Farrington for more of her fabulous hand-thrown mugs with the non-stick bottoms to fill with soap for my shaving cups. They seem to be gaining in popularity with people buying them as holiday gifts. Fine with me. The weather forecast the next few days is spectacular. I might make it to the farmer's market one more time...

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