Friday, September 02, 2011

Last Minute Getaway

I dashed south to Morristown day before yesterday to spend a bit of time with Mia before we both start back to school next week. I've had a hankering to get back to the Jersey Shore ever since we took Hannah and Luke there when they arrived from Texas earlier in the summer. My power had returned making a trip a little more conceivable, but there were still many people without power in New Jersey. Kim Leinker, Mia's good buddy and nursing colleague offered us her lovely, cozy apartment just two blocks from the Main Street of Mo'town. We wore headlights and Kim lit many candles, making our late night chats even more like a slumber party. The train goes by Kim's building several times during the night, which I found very entertaining. We had sushi downtown and walked around enjoying the festive "South Beach" atmosphere. No one seemed too put out by the hurricane damage. Mia and I hit the Garden State Parkway in the morning and before we knew it we were on Point Pleasant Beach, breathing in the lovely salt air and playing in the ocean. It was just too good. Mia spent a good bit of time setting up her clinical settings and classes at UMDNJ in Newark. She will have to go into school two nights a week, keep up with two clinical settings where she'll have to see patients and report to her professors on them, and work full time at Morristown Memorial. It's a break-neck schedule but, in four months time, she'll be finished with the bulk of her Nurse Practitioner training. I have this weekend to myself, then it's back to school on Tuesday, followed by back-to-back weekend shows the next two weeks. September will fly by. The leaves are changing and winter will be upon us here in the Great North Land. A scary thought, however, with the rams securely captured in the back pen, it will be a bit easier on the shepherd.


  1. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I love your big chunks of soap. Is it possible to get some mailed to me in New York? Or can I run by and pick some up?

    Please e-mail me @


  2. First of all, thank you for the lifetime supply of soap. I was surprised it got here so fast since you had to deal with Irene. I enjoyed your reporting of how your dealing with that storm. You actually bathed in a pond??? Your quite the country gal, aren't you? Nice that you could follow it up with time at the beach with friends. You make the hard times sound so precious.

  3. Thank you Les. You say the nicest things. Yes, I bathed in a pond. It's the cleanest water in the world, filtered through glacial shale, and cold as ice. I hated putting soap in where the fishes and frogs live, but 3 days with no power and I had a mighty hankering for a good scrub. Yes, the hard times are precious - they build character through adversity. I hear you are having a birthday shortly. I hope you have a good one. Wish we lived closer so you are I could sip some whiskey together (Beastie Boy is still dry as a bone - 18 years).


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