Monday, August 22, 2011


The branches are heavy with apples in my orchard, which I think dates back to colonial times. The sheep, goats and deer will have full bellies. I don't spray the trees and often wish I had time to tend to them.


  1. Mary S12:06 PM

    I think your trees are lovely just as they are. I have wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. Something about just strikes a chord in me. MCS

  2. Your tree are old, no doubt, but most likely date back to the early 20th century. Here's a link to a picture of a tree that was planted in 1826...
    One thing you could do that would help the trees immensely would be to prune them--even as old as they are, you can increase their health and productivity immensely by pruning them in March.


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