Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ups and Downs

Harry Potter was fabulous - just incredibly beautiful visually and very entertaining, even to someone unfamiliar with the recent books or movies. Hannah and Luke loved it. The Battle of Hogworts was fantastic and Maggie Smith terrific. I'm not a Harry Potter follower, but I was emotionally drawn in from the beginning of this movie. Very well done. Thirty bucks well spent (yes, 3D is pricey). The movie, with stops at the food market, Panera and B&N for Hannah's latest bodice-ripper book, ate up the better part of the day. Good diversion for me, since I didn't have to look at my upper field cut hay, soaked with rain, never having been picked up. I called the fabulous Postma Brothers over behind the Chobani plant to bring me some bales for the baby ducks and for Luke to play with. They are so good to me, and sent over a pick-up truck load this morning. Don't know what I would do without them - they are Top Guns in my book. As luck would have it, I had one foot in the bath tub and my monthly "beauty treatment" in my hair when they pulled up. The new driver was unfamiliar with the hay elevator, but I was able to call directions out the window (huddling down to hide my nakedness). Lukie ran outside to watch the loading of the ramp, because he's been begging for hay to build a fort, and to sit on while we watch the storms in the hay mow. Loading hay is very entertaining, and deadly if a bale falls off before it reaches the top and cracks you on the head. It was an uneasy bath for me. On deck for today - keeping Hannah busy. Lukie is happy no matter what. I asked Luke why Hannah is so unhappy all the time and he said, "It's because of Booker's snot." What do you mean, I said. "Well, Booker (the family's Blueblood Kentucky English Pointer) sneezes ALL the TIME and Hannah is allergic to his snot, and it lands on her and makes her unhappy." Okay, Lukie. I wish it was that simple!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maggie:
    I haven't checked your blog for a while so I had a lot to catch up on. I think Hannah must still be upset that Snape was offed by that awful Voldimor - and that his tears led Harry to realize that he was actually a quite decent fellow. My kids had me at the midnight show but it was worth it, what energy that late night audience had, they clapped and cheared continuosly! Just read about the leeches you had to pull off Luke, and how Izzy must have been happier than you with the Dairy Farmer's family. (I was sorry to hear about all that lost hay - how unfair, I guess a man's word is only his bond when it's convenient). Maggie, you were just down the road from me at Point Pleasant. You all looked so happy. You certainly are quite the summer traveler. I hope the youngins realize that they are part of a beautiful story that their Omi shares with the world. Tell Hannah that we want Abigail Breslin to play her when this all gets put on the big screen!
    Best Regards, Dan


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