Friday, July 08, 2011

Kidlets Are Here!

Mia and I picked up Hannah and Luke at the airport and whisked them away to the Jersey Shore for a day. It was a spontaneous move and proved to be a great idea. Mia booked a funky little motel with a pool, a block away from the beach at Point Pleasant. We got there in time to watch the sun go down and moon come up over the water. Some kids set off a few left-over July 4th fireworks. Luke built a giant castle with a surrounding moat and we wallowed in the happiness of being at the beach together for the first time in years. The breeze, the water, the sand, the moon, the stars all conspired for a very heady experience. We moved from the beach to the motel pool and continued the party through the night. I slept like a baby and don't know when I woke up and didn't care. We went back to the beach while Mia went out to get us breakfast. We played all day on the beach, which turned out to be a private beach, not the one the motel was affiliated with. I wondered why it was so empty. No one asked us to leave, and I'm not surprised as we were such a pretty and happy little group, having so much fun in the sun.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Pure joy! Thanks for sharing with your readers.



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