Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Drama at the Falls

The falls did not disappoint yesterday. After a stop at the post office we motored down the dirt road to our favorite swimming hole. Yes, the pond is great, but the waterfall is hard to beat. There is something wonderful about climbing down the gorge and walking the creek bed until the falls appear. We played and swam for a while until a local dairy farmer family came with a large clan of kids and we made our way back up the hill. Somehow - in a weird twist of circumstances and events - we managed to leave my beloved Izzy standing on the road side. My van is filled with farmer's market goods and we thought Izzy was in there somewhere. Izzy went to a farmhouse down the road and "knocked at the door." The kind woman followed him back to the trail to the falls, where the dairy farmer family was coming up from their swim. They told the woman my name and she called me. I don't have to tell you there was a wild, speedy ride down the dirt road to get Izzy, with rocks flying, deer jumping and wild turkeys scrambling with a certain woman screaming and crying how could this happen. I'm still trying to make it up to Izzy, with hot dogs, snuggling on the sofa and his ultimate favorite treat - fishy cat food in the can!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad there is a happy reunion at the end of this :0 Izzy was very smart to get himself help!!
    He'll forgive you -he loves his Maggie!!!
    kim and crew


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