Saturday, June 18, 2011

Soap Blocks

I think I answered more questions about my soap blocks than anything else today. People think they are big chunks of cake until they touch them. They are hard as rocks. People still don't know what they are so I made a sign, "Soap Blocks Made from Maggie's Soap Scraps." They still need an explanation. I tell them I save the end pieces from my big blocks of soap and throw them into a big pot. When the pot is full I melt them down, which takes several days of mashing and stirring, and pour the molten soap into a copy paper box lid. When that hardens I cut them up with a big knife. The blocks are wonderfully artsy looking, I think, like granite, or some other natural substance. They are great for shaving, or placed in a pottery dish, or simply stationed at the slop sink in the barn. One block contains five or six bars of soap and is a terrific deal at $10. I don't sell a lot of them, but one woman bought 5 recently. Smart woman.

1 comment:

  1. I love how the soap blocks smell. It's all my favorites all at the same time. And I'm pretty certain the one I have in my closet keeps the m*ths away.


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