Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Finn O' the Field

Finnie has been walking with us up the hill to the pond and back. He's such a sweetie. Finn is part Polish Tatra, a Polish sheep guarding dog which is also a good companion animal. Finn has such a friendly disposition that he even tolerates Pip, who Thor and Knut want to kill. My White Boys are mixes of the Tatra, Great Pyrennees, Akbash and Maremma. They were bred by an Amish man up in Clyde, New York. Matt brought them home on Easter, 2006, shortly before I moved up here. Every mountain range in Europe has their own sheep guarding dog with unique characteristics. My boys have always lived outside and, so far, I have had no coyote/bear/mountain lion attacks. There was a purebred Great Pyrennees at the farmer's market last weekend, and this dog was obviously a pampered foo-foo dog. She goes to the beauty parlor regularly. I told the owner my white dogs have never had a bath, not ever, and still have the loveliest, fluffiest, whitest coat. Her mouth dropped open and she looked at me with wide eyes. No baths ever? Well, they swim in the pond and I guess that's a bath. I don't think Knut, Thor and Finn would take well to a bath. They would probably have to be drugged and hog tied. No problem, they are happy and if the boys are happy with the way they look and so am I.


  1. Happy Finnie! He's such a love bug!
    HUGS to all
    Kim and crew

  2. Hmmm...
    Come to think of it...
    I got some kids like that. Pond - yes, bath - no.


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