Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bouckville Fiber Fair

The first Central New York Annual Fiber Fair took place today and was a terrific success. Many top-notch fiber art producers and artists participated, and the crowds came out. The forecasted rain held off until 5 when everybody was going home anyway. Santana came to help along with Robin, my classroom aide. It was great having them in the booth. Gretchen visited us and spent some time spinning on my Robin wheel. Kimmie Cornerstone came from Ontario to show us how to spin right from a bunny. She borrowed Santana's new bunny, Golden Boy to do it. There were many fiber animals there including sheep, alpacas, goats and rabbits. We go back tomorrow for more fun.


  1. Good luck! That is one big bunny!

  2. We had so much fun yesterday. You gals put on a world class event and shoudl be very proud of yourselves. It was so nice to meet Robin and Santana as well :)
    PS Cheryl cam and picked up the fleeces and she LOVED your coloured BFL better than the Merino!
    HUGS to all
    Kim and crew

  3. You gals put on one world class event and I hope you had a GREAT success with it and will be back formany years to come!
    It was very lovely to meet Robin and Santana as well :)
    Dropped the fleeces off with Cheryl who thought your BFL was nicer than the merino!
    HUGs to all
    Kim and crew!

  4. carol gloss11:54 AM

    The Fair was outstanding! Met so many wonderful folks. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make it happen. Can't wait for the next one.


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