Sunday, May 01, 2011

Sunday Morning Musings

I wish I could sleep late. It just doesn't happen. Once I open my eyes and nature calls, I am up and stay up. I walk past the coffee pot on the way to the throne room and I can't help but flip the switch. I can't remember ever going back to bed. I know I would look better and feel better but I can't relax. I can't blame it on the dogs as they always sleep late. If they see me put a sweater on over my nightie they jump up, ready to go out for their morning walk, but even after a walk they go back to bed. My inability/unwillingness to go back to bed probably began 31 years ago when I had premature twins in the next room. I was up all hours of the night making sure they stayed alive, a lot like what I do now with lambs. I didn't lose the human twins, thank goodness, but I do lose lambs now and then, heartbreaking to me. The late night hours and early morning hours are my "free time" where I can write in my diary, spin wool, sew, watch TV, or generally goof off. All other time belongs to all the creatures, human and otherwise, that I service as part of my day. It's cold out there this morning and I love it this way. I know spring is here because I found a fly in my coffee the other day. Soon the barn will be full of them and the chickens will go to work. Chickens are the best fly catchers. When the flies aren't flying they are resting on the ground and walls. That's when the chickens catch them. Hmmmm, delicious. Thank you little birds. The Old English Bantams are the best flycatchers, but the group of rescue chickens I got from Shepherd Mary are pretty much bred out into a bigger, hybrid chicken. I found one little Old English the other day and she is so precious. They are not much bigger than a mourning dove and lay tiny eggs with a huge yolk and very hard shell. It's time for a rooster purge soon and I hate to do it. Not much choice as the chicken room is too crowded and I'm spending $30 a week on egg layer, largely for birds that don't lay eggs. Roosters are pretty and the hens adore them, but I've got too many. Once again the livestock world parallels the human world. You only one good, trusty, hardworking male around. (Or maybe two!) Any more is problematic. The beatification ceremony of the Pope is on the news. My Protestantness resists the notion that humans can deify themselves. Catholics have no problem with attributing miracles of God to humans. We don't do saints. Surely the Pope was a great person, but he was a person, not a demi-god. On deck for me today...Creme, creme, creme. I will try to resist the draw of the sewing machine for the Cuisinart. I did manage to get 25 Bundaflicka totes ready to put out for sale. I have one semi-finished but have to find some heavy duty navy blue thread before I can finish it. My tiny little 75 year old Singer is still on duty. I oil it every day, and just love it. Until I can afford a Juki it will have to do. There are too many other things I need on the farm. I've been rubbing my Shepherds Friend Hand Creme on my face every night. Don't know why I haven't been doing it all along as it is fantastic face creme. I really lather it on and wake up with my face feeling dewy and soft. All those lovely oils do a nice job. Okay, enough musing, better get to work.

1 comment:

  1. Daryl says to point out the ones you want to go and he'll take care of them for you in two weeks :)
    HUGS to all!
    Kim and crew


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