Sunday, May 22, 2011

Saints on the Ceiling

The ceiling of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary is covered with beautiful paintings of Saints and biblical figures. Candles in ornate holders are everywhere. The beeswax candles combined with incense gives a magical, mystical aroma to the place. I would love to see it at night. All the participants in the service have on long, beautifully embroidered gowns and vestments. Many have beards and their long hair pulled back in ponytails, making them look like characters from ancient times. I was on visual/sensory overload. I wish I had lived closer than 4 hours away so I could have visited AJ at seminary more often over the last three years. This simple Baptist girl was slighted overwhelmed with all the ritual but I loved it. Many of the Seminary students bring their babies and young children to church and they played with their toys on the floor while this very fancy service was going on. I just loved it.

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