Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Land of Extremes

I can't believe I'm in upstate New York about two hundred miles from the Canadian border. It's HOT. Around 90 in the shade, and 80 in the barn. I'll get used to it but it will take a bit of time. We had around 14 feet of snow, with 20 below temps. Spring was long, cool and rainy. Now blistering sun and heat. It's great to get the hay going, and the flies buzzing, but I'm not very energized by intense heat. I love the cold weather, and fires, and wool clothing. I can't even think about putting a sweater to my skin in this weather. Cooler temps will come by the end of the week thankfully. I put dishes of cool water on the floor of the barn so the newly hatched chicks, three groups of them, can jump in them. I was worried my chickens would not lay any eggs today but the girls gave me over three dozen. They seem unfazed but when I filled the three pans with cold water from the hose they rushed for a drink.

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