Sunday, May 01, 2011


I've been making my fabulous Shepherd's Friend Hand Creme all afternoon. As much as I adore my creme, and have not yet found one to compare, I confess it is tedious work for me. I have to clean off all the countertops and rub them with alcohol, line up all the ingredients, and get out my dedicated Cuisinart. This wonderful little machine has earned it's keep a hundred times over. Mia gave it to me for Mother's Day many years ago and it's still chugging along. I do have to keep my hand on it to keep it running, which means I can't move away from it. While I am processing the lavender essential oil, shea butter, jojoba, apricot, grapeseed and sweet almond oils I am microwaving the beeswax. The beeswax is mixed with a tiny bit of borax, a naturally occuring mineral, which acts as an emulsifier and disinfectant. I pour the beeswax and borax mixture into the oils and mix them a while before pouring in the distilled water. I have started counting while pouring everything in 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 so I don't forget anything. I must have the jars clean, lined up and ready for the warm creme mixture or the creme will set in the tub and be difficult to get into the jars. If I didn't make this creme, which was originally intended for my carpenter husband, my hands would be miserable. With all the wool washing and dyeing I do, combined with being outside all the time, I need a serious hand creme. I don't know any commercial creme that uses the lovely lavender essential oil that I do. The lavender is not just for scent - it is antiseptic and antifungal as well. Lavender is a miracle oil in my opinion. Occasionally I find a jar that has fallen behind a dresser, or rolled under the bed and it is just fine a couple of years later. This was a nice break, but back to the machine and my creme.

1 comment:

  1. I love your creme and use it all the time. After cleaning many chickens this Pesach my hands were really "out of order". I am using your creme and they are healing nicely.


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