Monday, May 16, 2011

Blogger Burped

There was some concern on Friday for the state of Blogger, the host for this on-line journal. I could not access my blog and my last post disappeared. Since I live in a state of nervous anxiety punctuated by moments of pure bliss and happiness (I'm hoping to reverse the order of those two states-of-mind) I feared the worst. Was Google, the owner of Blogger, hit by a Friday the 13th virus? Did terrorists, upset about the death of OBL and bent on revenge, attack the Mothership Computer in the Sky? I was understandably frantic. As I was out the door to New Hampshire Sheep and Wool the next day, there was not much I could do. When my farmer's market friend, Pamme Swan, emailed me about having the same problem I was even more concerned. I hoped it was just me and my "ISP" (yes, I found out that means internet service provider). Pamme had spent the better part of a day uploading her mother's recently hooked rugs to her blog along with prices and comments. The whole post disappeared, much to Pamme's disappointment. I have trusted Google with the ownership of five years worth of journals and I feared they were lost! All is well now and there is harmony in the universe.

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